Demo of JNoFollow - Joomla 4 Plugin
So, let's show how the Plugin works. I have the Standard Configuration and Plugin active enabled. What would it do with my external Links?
You see this. All Standard and enabled. Let's see how it works.
Source Link is WITHOUT rel and target defined. Normally, Joomla makes a follow Link without target _blanc. Now its nofollow.
Let's try
and now its nofollow with link opens in a new Window.
Ok... hmmm. lets make only this Link make Follow. What we have to do is only set a rel tag. I say in the Editor that THIS Link wil be rel=noopener. Expectation is because it is now with a rel= defined that this Link only will FOLLOW.
Let's test it:
And... it works as expected :)
Nice, or?
So, you can bypass the external Link nofollow with definition rel=noopener.