Documentation of JNofollow

Its a simple Plugin which converts follow Links to Nofollow external Links. 

The Documentation is Online now

First Step: Please install the Plugin in the Extension Manager.

Install Plugin

Now you have to activate and configure the Plugin. So go in the Plugin Manager

Activate Joomla Plugin

The last Step is the Configuration shown here

Configure Joomla 4 Plugin


What are the Options in Joomla Nofollow Plugin?

Its as simple as possible and self declaring. But i will explain the Options.

First you have to define how the Plugin will work. Its relaxed or strict. I recommend "relaxed" which works good. If you are an Expert you can switch to strict.

The second Option is to define what should happen with external "rel" Links. That can be:

  • "Everytime Nofollow on external Links if no Taget is set"
  • "Everytime Nofollow on all external Links"
  • "Remove every Nofollow on all external Links"
  • "Do Nothing ( No Change on external Links )"

If a nofollow Tag is set, it produces additionally a noopener noreferrer tag. That makes sense also for security.

The last Option is to define what happens with the target Link. I can be:

  • "Yes  - in new Window when no Target is specified"
  • Yes - Everytime"
  • "Do a Parent"
  • "Do Nothing ( No Change on external Links )"

You have the choice to open the external Links in a new Window ( recommended ), _parent or do nothing.

How to exclude JNofollow from an Article

Its simple. Add in the Article mnf=off in {} and nothing in the Article is changed.

Whitelist Domains

You have the choice to Whitelist Domains. Write one Domain per Line in the Whitelist Field. eg* . With a "*" you can whitelist all Subfolders.

Thats all. Its a very small Plugin and it should work as expected. If you find a Bug or have Questions let me here know: